I went to one of my good friend's baby shower over the weekend. One thing she said got me thinking. She mentioned that her best friend had recently stopped returning her calls and texts and she couldn't figure out why.
I suddenly flashed back to around four years ago when I was pregnant with my first child, Ceili. Some of my childless friends suddenly stopped calling me and inviting me out. Once she was born, only a couple stuck around. At first I was really upset and wondered why, but then I decided to stop questioning, get on with my life and concentrate on the good friends I did have.
I'm not sure why people who don't have kids do this, hearing my friend say this made me sad for her because I know how she feels. I think the reason alot of childless people cut all ties to people with children is that they feel they can no longer relate to the new parent. Little do they know it hurts the other person and makes them feel alienated from their usual world.
The advice I gave her was to try not to worry about it and just spend time with the friends and family that stand by you. Obviously people who do this to their friends weren't really your friend in the first place.
A stay at home mom of two beautiful little girls and her struggles and triumphs of daily life and weight loss through clean eating!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Oh the Tantrums!
I survived the "Terrible Twos" but I'm not sure I will make it through the last 4 months of the "Terrifying Threes"! Ceili has been switching between monster and angel at least a hundred times a day lately and I don't quite know what to do about it.
I always make sure to spend time with just her every day and do something puzzles, coloring, a craft, etc. but she still acts up. It drives me absolutely insane because she does it completely on purpose alot of the time. She will look at me and smile as she does something she's not supposed to do.
Today was one of those days that I'm surprised my whole head of hair didn't turn grey. We had planned to go for a walk because it was supposed to be warmer outside today. She refused to get dressed until I threatened her with no walk, she refused to brush her teeth until I threatened no walk, and so on. Finally after I wrestled her into her coat which she said was "the wrong one" then I said "If I hear another complaint or you talk back again, we are not going for a walk and that's final". I got Abbey into her carseat and coat. I asked Ceili to please put her boots on, because there is about 2 feet of snow on the ground. She proceeded to put on her running shoes while yelling at me and said that she would not wear her boots.
Then I had to be the mean mommy and say "Okay, we are not going for a walk now". She didn't believe I was serious and when she finally saw me taking her sister's coat off, she flipped! There was a period of about half an hour of crying and pleading, but she eventually stopped.
I felt awful because she was so broken- hearted but I knew I had to follow through or she would never take me seriously. Just another day of being a mother of a toddler I guess!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
The Big 3-0
Well, here I am, 30 years old. I can't believe it. It feels like just yesterday I was in junior high buying Slurpees and gummy candy at 7-11 and wandering around the neighborhood aimlessly with my best friends. Now here I am 30 years old, married, living in a house that we own with two kids and a minivan!
After thinking about this crazy comparison and the changes that have occured in the past fifteen years, I feel so fortunate. I feel complete, like I have accomplished what I wanted to in my life. Not that my life is over by any means, I know the fun has just started! I am so happy that I married the love of my life and had two beautiful daughters with him. I know that if I hadn't done these things by 30, I would be pretty lonesome and my ovaries would be screaming "BABIES, NOW!!!"...sorry, too much info!
From the time I was a little girl I had wanted a nice wedding to a great man and two kids. I have everything I dreamed of and it feels fantastic!
Now I can look forward to my next 30 years that will hopefully include graduation for our girls, possibly a wedding or two and maybe even some grandbabies and best of all growing old with my awesome husband. I cannot be more thankful for my life.
After thinking about this crazy comparison and the changes that have occured in the past fifteen years, I feel so fortunate. I feel complete, like I have accomplished what I wanted to in my life. Not that my life is over by any means, I know the fun has just started! I am so happy that I married the love of my life and had two beautiful daughters with him. I know that if I hadn't done these things by 30, I would be pretty lonesome and my ovaries would be screaming "BABIES, NOW!!!"...sorry, too much info!
From the time I was a little girl I had wanted a nice wedding to a great man and two kids. I have everything I dreamed of and it feels fantastic!
Now I can look forward to my next 30 years that will hopefully include graduation for our girls, possibly a wedding or two and maybe even some grandbabies and best of all growing old with my awesome husband. I cannot be more thankful for my life.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Fantastic Book!

We went to the library yesterday, one of our favorite family activities. I usually browse around and pick a few books that I think Ceili will like.
I stumbled upon one that I really love, written by Brooke Shields of all people! It's called "Welcome to Your World, Baby" and it's a great one for little girls who have a new baby sister. I have had a difficult time finding a book that shows the light side of having a new baby for kids, not to mention one that is for girls. So many books show the negative side of a new baby; that they cry alot, can't play, etc. and though that is true, I think kids need to see that this new member of the family is wonderful and should be welcomed!
Ceili was so excited after we read the book saying "when Abbey is bigger, I'm going to show her how to do all of those things".
If you are interested in purchasing this awesome book, check it out on Amazon!
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